Why it’s important to think about insurance ahead of retirement

Finding the right level of insurance cover is important when you’re thinking about retirement. If retirement’s coming up on your horizon, the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) may have thrown a warehouse-sized rack of spanners in your planning. It makes sense to concentrate on things you can control, such as insurance. Too-high premiums can chew away … Read more

Importance of Securing Your Financial Future – A Case Study

TREV AND JAMIE Overview: Trev (63) and Jamie (61) are retiring and selling an investment property they have held for many years in their own names to help to fund their retirement. Issues: The investment Property will have a large Capital gain of $300,000. They are concerned they don’t have enough in super and whether … Read more

Superannuation 101: Your guide to a happy retirement

Superannuation is a handy way of saving for retirement, so that you’ll have an income to live on once you’re no longer working. Your employer must pay a portion of your earnings into your superannuation fund, which invests them on your behalf. How much superannuation will I be paid? In Australia, your employer is required … Read more

Why financial wellbeing is a pillar of good health

When we talk about financial wellbeing, what do we mean? More than just earning an income, financial wellbeing is about having financial security and the freedom to make choices. There are three interrelated aspects to good financial wellbeing: The ability to meet your expenses and have money left over. Feeling and acting in control of your finances. … Read more

Term deposit vs savings account

Putting your money into a savings account, or in the alternative, a term deposit, are two common methods of saving. Working out whether either of these options are right for you depends on your personal and financial circumstances, as well as your saving goals. Here are some of the common features and benefits of each. … Read more

Give yourself a new financial year check-up

Financial year 2019-20 is now behind us and there’s nothing like closing a chapter to inspire thoughts of a fresh start. But global challenges persist: Australia is officially in a recession while also bracing for a post-Job Keeper economy in September. While it’s impossible to anticipate future changes to the global economy, there’s plenty you … Read more

5 common financial mistakes to avoid during a crisis

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is playing havoc with finances for many households. In an ideal world, the financial boost should be enough and assumes that everyone was financially prepared for tough times. But in times of crisis, it can all be a little overwhelming. Here are 5 common financial mistakes to avoid … Read more

Financial counsellor or financial planner: What’s the difference?

Ok we get it, knowing where to turn to for financial advice can be confusing sometimes! Financial planners and financial counsellors are both types of financial experts, so which one is right for you? To answer this question, start by considering why you’re seeking financial advice. Is it to improve your financial wellbeing? Plan for retirement? Manage … Read more

Five ways to help prepare your finances for a recession

If you think storms may lie ahead, it makes sense to prepare your craft for choppy waters. With Australia facing continued economic uncertainty, it may be time to take stock of your finances and get in the right shape. However, if you’re worried about the threat of redundancy, your investments or your retirement plans being disrupted, … Read more

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