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Don’t let overspending be your undoing

Do you struggle to control your spending around your friends and family? If the urge to ‘keep up’ with a certain lifestyle is stretching your finances, it could be time to take action. From splitting the bill at an expensive restaurant, to having the ‘right’ house, car and clothes, many of us fall victim to … Read more

Superannuation 101: Your guide to a happy retirement

Superannuation is a handy way of saving for retirement, so that you’ll have an income to live on once you’re no longer working. Your employer must pay a portion of your earnings into your superannuation fund, which invests them on your behalf. How much superannuation will I be paid? In Australia, your employer is required … Read more

Some ways to use your tax refund for a stronger financial future

Whether you breeze through tax time or dread the extra admin, receiving a tax refund makes the effort worthwhile. For many of us, getting a financial boost will be even more welcome this year, and you might be looking around for the best ways to use it. These simple actions can help you figure out … Read more

Putting your own needs first

It’s a win-win idea. A parent sells their home to move in with their adult child’s family, providing cash for the deposit or renovations and helping with the mortgage and providing free childcare. In return, there’s companionship, care and physical support for the older person. But sometimes these plans go awry, leaving the elderly parent … Read more

Are young people putting themselves at risk without life insurance?

Today, young people are often called the “the smashed avocado generation,” supposedly frittering away money on ‘luxury’ items rather than working hard to save for their first home or retirement nest egg. However, despite their spendthrift reputation, most millennials are quite prudent when it comes to managing their financial affairs. Research by Afterpay found that millennials … Read more

Managing your financial health during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly disrupted our daily lives, forcing us to close entire industries and change our behaviour overnight. With the lockdown directly affecting jobs and the economy, many people’s thoughts quickly turned to their finances. Whether or not your income has been affected, now is a good time to get your finances in … Read more

Make Your Super Last

Australians enjoy one of the highest life expectancies in the world, which means you can look forward to a long and comfortable retirement. While that’s fantastic news, it also makes saving for retirement more important than ever. Indeed, the majority of Australians over age 40 who are yet to retire are concerned about not having … Read more

Investing during a recession

In times of uncertainty, when share markets and interest rates are falling, along with declines in consumer and business confidence, investors often question if their money is safe and if it’s still going to meet their long-term investment goals. But whether it’s a period of sustained volatility due to a global financial crisis, a medical … Read more

How has COVID-19 changed Australian consumer spending habits?

How has COVID-19 changed Australian consumer spending habits? Australian spending habits have changed markedly in the last few months. Consumers continue to worry about the strength of the economy, the duration of the pandemic and overall public wellbeing. But while Australian consumer spending remains slow, we’re seeing signs of recovery across most categories and grocery … Read more

Economic Update

Introduction Covid-19 developments continued to dominate attention. There were spikes in the number of new infections in both Australia and overseas, suggesting an economic recovery may be delayed. Share markets powered ahead, however, as investors remained convinced that governments and central banks will provide sufficient financial assistance through the crisis. Fixed income markets also registered … Read more

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